
These 7 Foods Can Cause Acne

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Acne is a very common skin condition, and for many people, it can be a real pain to deal with. Many people have tried to find a cure for acne using expensive creams and lotions, but the truth is that there are certain foods that can cause acne.

This article will discuss some of the foods that can cause acne.

Refined Grains and Sugars

The glycemic index isn’t a perfect measure, because it doesn’t take into account the nature of the carbohydrates. But generally speaking, high-GI foods cause more blood sugar swings than low-GI foods. And blood sugar swings can trigger acne.

How refined grains cause acne?

Refined grains are grains that have been processed by milling and polishing to remove the bran and germ parts of the grain (see diagram below). This process strips away a lot of the fiber and nutrients from the grain leaving only the starchy part. Refined grains include white bread, white rice, regular pasta, pizza dough, cookies, cakes, bagels and other baked goods made with refined flour.

Dairy Products

Cows naturally produce growth hormones to make their udders develop for milk production. Because of these growth hormones, cows also produce insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a hormone that helps build muscle when we’re young and promotes normal levels of cell division in adults. Unfortunately, IGF-1 can promote excess oil production and acne. It is this hormone that researchers believe causes acne in those who consume dairy products. Unfortunately, the hormones used to increase milk production on many farms are even more potent than the natural growth hormones cows produce. Casein and whey proteins in dairy products have been shown to increase levels of insulin in the bloodstream. Insulin stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil and therefore contributes to acne. In fact, high glycemic foods – like chocolate, white bread, and pasta – that cause a spike in insulin levels have also been linked to acne.

Fast Food

Fast food restaurants are the most common places to find junk foods. They are everywhere, easy to access and they serve just about every kind of food you can think of. Unfortunately, fast foods and junk foods are notorious for causing acne breakouts. If you want to know why fast food causes acne, keep reading. According to doctors and nutritionists, junk foods are the number one cause of acne. They are loaded with trans-fatty acids, refined sugars, artificial coloring, preservatives and other chemicals that cause inflammation in the body. This results in a hormonal imbalance that causes skin cells to overproduce sebum (skin oil). This leads to blocked pores and a massive buildup of bacteria that causes acne breakouts.

Foods Rich in Omega-6 Fats

The reason why these foods have such an effect on your skin is because of their high levels of Omega-6 fats. Omega-6 fats are pro-inflammatory and promote inflammation in the body. This can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a root cause of acne.


Chocolate does not cause acne. Acne is caused by the skin being inflamed by bacteria.

What chocolate contains that breaks you out:


2.Saturated Fats


4.Emulsifiers, like soy lecithin, do not digest well and can cause inflammation in the body (outer layer of skin)- this causes your pores to swell and clog with dead skin cells and oil

Whey Protein Powder

Whey Protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. Whey protein is commonly marketed as a dietary supplement, and various health claims have been attributed to it in the alternative medicine community.

Whey Protein contains all the amino acids needed by your body to produce new skin cells — so is great for healing wounds and repairing damaged tissue. However, it also helps boost testosterone levels that contribute to breakouts. In addition, whey protein powder may be processed with acne-causing chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate. Acne is caused by hormonal changes and an overproduction of oil; whey protein powder can trigger both of these processes.

Increasing your intake of dairy products has been linked to an increased risk of developing acne. According to research published in “Nutrition Reviews,” a large percentage of young adult males who drink milk are affected by acne breakouts on their face, neck and upper trunk regions; dairy products contain ingredients such as hormones and saturated fat that can contribute to acne development.

Foods You’re Sensitive To

There is a never-ending list of foods that people say cause acne. From chocolate to pizza to ice cream and everything in between, there are plenty of myths circulating about what causes acne and what doesn’t. But the truth is that diet can only possibly contribute to acne if it affects your blood sugar levels or if you have an allergy or sensitivity to certain foods.

Here are some of the more common foods that can cause acne if you’re sensitive to them:

  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Gluten and wheat
  • Soy
  • Refined sugars and flours

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